Preparing tax returns can be a stressful and time-consuming process, and it’s necessary to avoid common mistakes that can lead to penalties, fines, or even an audit by the IRS.
Failing to report all sources of income: All income, including self-employment income, must be reported on your tax return. Failing to report can result in penalties and fines.
Incorrectly claiming deductions: Deductions can help lower your tax liability, but it’s important to only claim deductions you are eligible for. Make sure you have the proper documentation to support your deductions and consult with tax planning & preparation experts if you are unsure.
Forgetting to include all necessary forms: Our accountant in Ohio suggests making sure to have all necessary tax forms before you begin preparing your tax return. This includes W-2s, 1099s, and any other forms related to your income.
Failing to file on time: Make sure you file your tax return by the deadline or request an extension if necessary to avoid fines.
Not reviewing your tax return before submitting it: Review your tax return carefully before submitting it to make sure all information is accurate and complete. Mistakes can lead to audits and other problems with the IRS.
Not seeking professional help: If you have a complex tax situation or are unsure how to prepare your tax return, it’s essential to seek professional help. Financial management in Whitehall, Ohio, can help you avoid mistakes and ensure your tax return is prepared correctly.
By following these tips and seeking professional help from Damawa Tax & Accounting Services, LLC , you can ensure that your tax return is accurate and devoid of any unnecessary stress or problems with the IRS. Contact our accounting & bookkeeping services today!
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